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Who is the head of a Christian business?The Bible says that all things have been placed under Jesus" feet. Ultimately, He"s the boss"s boss!
Do you see Christ as the head of your business? What are your thoughts about the headship of Christ? How involved is the Head in your business? While it is right and appropriate that you are called the head of your firm, it is important to acknowledge Christ as the head as this will greatly influence the way you run the business. Recognising the headship of Christ in everyday affairs helps to put a different perspective on our immediate environment. So what is the headship of Christ and how should it affect your business? Ephesians 1:22 says "And He put all things under His feet and gave Him to be head over all things to the church." Other scriptural references to the headship of Christ include Eph. 4:15; Col. 1:18 and 1 Cor. 11:3. Christ is the head of all things, whether things above or things below. He has given us authority to reconcile all things on earth and in heaven and by making peace through His blood shed on the cross (Col. 1:20). To understand the headship of Christ fully, we need to know what He is the head of. Broadly, this can be divided into the following areas: Head over principalities, powers, might and dominion. In essence, this means that He is the head over all governments and orders of angelic powers including demonic power. All things have been put under His feet. Every name: name as used here implies authority This world: this denotes duration and continuity of time and refers to an age or time this world. The world to come: The sense here is of signifying intention, to be about to do something, often implying the necessity and therefore, the certainty of what is to take place. All things: all things have been put under His feet; in subjection to Him. Nothing is left that has not been put under His feet. Therefore, He has authority over all things. The Church: He is the head of the church which comprises His called out ones. The people: He is over all people and peoples. Rom. 9:5, Col 3:11. In essence, this means that in your business undertakings, you have a constant awareness of the headship of Christ, just as you are aware of those who are physically around you. Christ is the One who sustains, protects and guides the Church to which He Himself gave life. You can stand in the authority of Christ and confront any situation you face. Remember, He is the head of all things and no situation or person is too difficult to deal with. Keep an eternal perspective as you go about your business. Autor: Ola Aroyehun
Want to know more about how to run a Christian Business, why not sign up for our weekly newsletter. Sign up to our newsletter at www.christianbusinessonthenet.com. Ola Aroyehun is the editor of The Christian Business Magazine, a magazine dedicated to applying biblical principles to business. Added: 28 августа 2007Source: http://contentdesk.com/view.php