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A Simple Step That You Can Take IMMEDIATELY To Overcome Your Biggest Stumbling Blocks To SuccessReal estate investors are smart, creative and independent people who handle large amounts of responsibility and, in return, can reap large, profitable rewards. It takes a certain type of strong individual to manage the large amounts of money and equity that make up a real estate investor"s road to profit.
Successful investors know that keeping a steady and confident mindset can be invaluable when negotiating large contracts and deciding between the purchases and sales that are part of this invigorating and highly lucrative business. In fact, the best real estate investors actually "train" their brains to be cool and collected at all times so that when things get hectic, they can rely on their "preprogramming" to help them make the right decisions. One way to help "program" your brain for success is to utilize NLP, or neurolinguistic programming. NLP is a personal development tool based on the idea that since all human behaviors are highly structured, that if you can figure out why you do something, you can use that knowledge to alter your instinctive behaviors to your benefit. Many experts compare human behaviors to a set of maps. Item A makes you take Route B to Result C. However, if Result C is not a good result, then you need to change Route B so that it takes you to positive Result D instead. Obviously, this is a simplified explanation of NLP, but the lesson here is clear. In order to be a successful real estate investor, you should always pay attention to the ways that you react to certain things. By pinpointing and forcing your weaknesses to work to your advantage - even if it"s something as simple as overcoming an instinctive dislike for real estate agents that prevents you from attending and networking at your local real estate investing club - you can take your success as a real estate investor to the next level. Autor: Tommy Sangster at Flint River Real Estate
Tommy Sangster is a professional homebuyer/real estate investor and entrepreneur. he buys and sells real estate, currently mostly on the wholesale sides of the real estate market. We currently deal in single family homes and small multifamily units. If you are interested in selling or buying houses online - and amazingly quickly - get more information at www.flintriverrealestate.com. Added: 21 сентября 2007Source: http://contentdesk.com/view.php