Take a walk beneath the stars
Distant, pure and bright,
See their awesome majesty
Rising every night
Thousands of light years away
Far beyond our dreams
Their titanic fires look
Like a gentle gleam
Their light pierces infinite space
For us to admire
Who knows but the Earth was born
In their nuclear fire,
Who knows but the elements
That make up our flesh
Were made on a distant star
In a blinding flash
In their stately order spin
Stars and galaxies
To the human eye they show
Endless mysteries
Their light reaches to the Earth
From million years ago
Oh, how beautiful it is
And I love it so
In this great expanding world
I"m a tiny part
But this cosmic loneliness
Does not break my heart
For the One who set the stars
And galaxies in place,
He is my eternal Friend
To the end of days
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